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Employee Spotlight: JT Anderson

Employee Spotlights

Job Title: Credit Manager

地点: Verona Operations Center

任职期间: 18年

Tell us about your family. I've been married to my wife and best friend, Kate, for more than 16 years. We have two great kids, Natalie (12) and Jack (10). Natalie plays soccer and Jack plays baseball and football, but he loves all sports. We enjoy traveling together when we get the opportunity to leave the farm. We like 钓鱼 together too.

What is your favorite place you've ever visited? Our family has gone to Disney World three times, and while I wouldn't say that is my favorite place, the first trip we took when my daughter was 3 years old was by far my favorite vacation of all time. She was so excited to meet all the characters and see all the sights. I will cherish all those memories forever!

What are your favorite weekend activities? I don't have much free time, even on the weekends, but I really enjoy playing catch with my kids, 钓鱼, 狩猎, reading and watching old Westerns.

What is your favorite food? My favorite foods are steak and fried chicken.

Tell us about your pets. We have a yellow lab named Andy. He's 100% spoiled rotten, as any good dog should be. He loves attention and he'll do whatever is necessary to get it.

What is your favorite book or author? Thomas Sowell is my favorite author. He has written many more books than I've had the time to read but his views on facts, 逻辑, and data always offer thought-provoking perspectives.

What was your favorite class in school? I always enjoyed history in school and I still like to read books on historical events. I was one of the oddball kids who could remember all the dates of important events but unfortunately I've lost most of that knowledge.

Briefly describe your involvement in FFA. I was active in my high school FFA chapter and served as the Secretary and President. Some of the competitions I participated in were Forestry, Junior Agricultural Mechanics and Horticulture.

Briefly describe your involvement in agriculture. My family lives on the farm where I grew up. We raise hen turkeys for Cargill and we have a cow/calf herd. We also raise hay for the cows and we used to sell some hay but we downsized a couple years ago and don't make as much hay now.

How do you define success? 对我来说, success happens when you're surrounded by people who care about you and whom you care about, you have enough to not worry about having enough, you're comfortable being who you are, and you're confident and capable of living the life you want to live.

What is the most interesting or favorite aspect of your job? There are two things I really enjoy about my job. The first is the people I get to work with. I have always been blessed to work around great people at Farm Credit. The second thing I really enjoy is solving the sometimes complex challenges on our end to help our customers meet their goals. There's nothing more satisfying to me than when the customer and Farm Credit both end up happy.

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